Here I want to share with you some links that might be helpful for you.
Have a look and see if you resonate. I really encourage you to trust yourself in this process.
My favourite teacher. He has a background in Zen.
Angelo Dilullo
He has a great book and a dedicated Youtube channel
Rupert Spira
1. Being or staying with what is there
2. «Falling into» the feeling
3. Merging with the feeling
4. Exposing the «thinker»
5. No more believing thoughts or «cutting them off»
6. «The Buddha meditation»
7. Self-inquiry according to Ramana Maharshi
8. Becoming aware of the fact that you are aware
9. Surrender
The Way of Liberating Insight
Delve deeper into your spiritual journey than ever before with the guidance of Adyashanti’s teachings on the embodiment of spiritual insight.
Transparent Body, Luminious World
Guided meditations to facilitate the gradual alignment of the non-dual understanding with the way the body and world are felt and perceived.
The Work
The Work is meditation. It is a method of inquiry born directly out of Byron Katie’s experience. This practice allows you to access the wisdom that always exists within you.
Free Personal Processing Mini Course
Radically deconstruct your limiting programming.